*Below is a list of YAHWEH BEAUTY ACADEMY COSMETOLOGY most recent outcome rates with its accrediting agency, National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS)
Completion Rate 94.12% or 16 of the 17 students scheduled to graduate in 2016 went on to complete the program
Placement Rate 100 % or 15 of the 15 students who completed their course and were eligible for employment in 2016 found jobs in the field
Licensure Rate 100 % or 14 of the 14 students taking the test administered by the State of TEXAS/PSI in 2016 passed that examination
Exclusions: Among the students who were counted as program completers, the following were not placed in jobs due to:
N/A Death
N/A Permanent Disability
1 Deployed for military service/duty
N/A Student continued his/her education at an institution under the same ownership
4 Early Withdrawal
1 Transferred to NACCAS accredited school